The Bride’s Wedding Day Emergency Kit Essentials
WRITTEN BY: Alice Prendergast
SOURCE: Weddingwire.CA
As the maid of honour you’ll be tasked with many duties on the big day, one of the most important being bringing a wedding day emergency kit for the VIP guest. You’ll want to load up your bag with touch up supplies, backup items, wellness wonders, wardrobe savers and a few extra bits and bobs for good measure. If you don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars, ask the other bridesmaids to donate to the wedding emergency kit fund and scour your own medicine cabinet for supplies. Remember, there’s no such thing as over packing – now’s the time to take a page from the boy scout manual and live by the motto “be prepared”.
Here’s everything you should include in the bride’s wedding day emergency kit.
Touch ups
There’s a good chance your bride will need to touch a few things up before heading to the altar. Maybe the air conditioner broke down, leaving her in desperate need of some blotting sheets? Perhaps she’s got a bad case of garlic breath and could use some mouthwash and a mint? These are the times the kit will come in handy.
- Comb
- Blotting papers
- Brush
- Deodorant
- Eye drops
- Face mist
- Floss
- Hair spray
- Handkerchief
- Hand cream
- Lip balm
- Lotion
- Make up (the same items that were used to create the bride’s look)
- Mini mirror
- Mints
- Mouthwash
- Nail file
- Nail polish
- Perfume
- Razor
- Sunscreen
- Q-Tips
- Tampons
- Tide To Go
- Tissues
- Toothbrush
- Tweezers
You’ll want a few backup items in your artillery in case anything goes awry with the original. For example, if the bride’s elaborate updo start undoing those extra bobby pins and hair elastics will be real lifesavers.
- Bobby pins
- Earring backs
- Extra contact lenses
- Hair elastics
Even if the bride wakes up on the morning of her wedding looking like the picture of health, you’ll want to be prepared. Have Advil, Benadryl and everything in between just in case things start to go downhill.
- Advil
- Allergy medication
- Antacid
- Bandaids
- Blister treatment
- Energy bar
- Essential oils
- First aid kit
- Water bottle
The bride should always look her best. To sidestep any devastating wardrobe malfunctions you’ll want to load up on supplies like static guard and safety pins.
- Fashion tape
- Flats
- Lint roller
- Mini sewing kit
- Safety pins
- Static guard
- Tights